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Monday, 22 November 2010

Infest 2010 day 2


Day 2 of the festivities! I was looking forward to seeing Northern but I was rather disappointed due to the blandness of their performance. They weren’t bad at singing or anything like that but they just didn’t put on much of a show, they came on, done there set ‘n’ then buggered off again which, admittedly, left me feeling a bit disheartened; little did I know it was about to pick up and big time and with some style as Memmaker were to grace the stage after the DJ set courtesy provided for us by Brownie.
I hadn’t really heard much of these guys before I came to Infest however they were fantastic! The crowd was loving it, they got everyone dancing and best of all they looked like they loved being there! They were on stage stomping away, at one point they had guest star Jamie Blacker, from Electronic Substance Abuse who had previously performed at Infest in 2007, which was amazing. From then on things picked up rather rapidly(although Parralox had to be moved to the sunday due to the singer being taken to hospital for a massive chest infection and collapsing..!).
This next band made the day, possibly weekend for me band-wise. Even 
though I hadn’t heard of them before and didn’t really know what to expect,
 I shimmied my way to the front and prepared myself for Agonize, and 
what turned out to be a performance of epic proportions. Tails had come 
onstage in ripped clothing covered in blood claiming he had been attacked 
by zombies… I could bombard you guys with alot of pictures but I’ll
 just post a few of their set so you get the jist of their performance, and 
that it certainly was!

Frontman Chris came on looking pretty normal but little did I know what 
was underneath the coat! As they were going through the first song half 
way through he whipped the jacket open to reveal a strap on of which 
he ‘pleasured’. After a couple of minutes the inevitable but unexpected 
cum shot happened and he sprayed it all over the crowd -- in hindsight 
I’m glad I was off center, as I dodged by inches! After the song he went 
off stage to takes it all off and such, 
and comes out back on. Unbeknown 
to the crowd -- or at least those that 
didnt know much about these guys
 -- there was A LOT of blood to come 
starting from this point onwards. In their 
second a song, he starts punching himself
 in the head and blood splatters 
everywhere, followed by even more 
when they go into a song called ‘Bángbáng Goodbye’. Though I was 
relaxing into the show, slowly gathering an idea that there would be blood, 
I sorely underestimated how much…Afterwards Chris wanders off stage 
and grabs a kitchen knife ready to play Femme Fatale. During the song he 
is yet again hitting himself, but this time with the handle of the kitchen knife; 
understandably his face is getting covered in more and more blood and the 
stage -- craftily covered in carpet -- is getting blood splattered all over it.
As the set moves on they move onto a song called Sacrifice… which is 
where some of the real blood works happen! Half way through the song,
 in the chorus Chris is waving the kitchen knife about and puts it to his wrist 
then takes it away again and waves it around some more, third time he does
 it he slits his wrist and blood squirts everywhere to then be aimed and sprayed 
all over the crowd -  at which point I got blood sprayed all up my arm, my face, 
some how on my skirt and boots (there was a barrier in the way?) and on the 
top I was wearing. (Heres a link to the video of it happening)

There was more to come… oh so much more. During the next song -- still 
with the knife waving about -- he continued, only this time the blood works 
were to be far far more dramatic. Half way through the song he cut his throat 
and blood was gushing everywhere all over him and running all down him and 
soaking the stage floor. To end their set they performed a cover of Don’t You 
Want Me -- after unzipping and having a fiddle to pull his hand out covered 
in white and it running down the front of his trousers.Next up were [x]-Rx
who i was really looking froward to seeing. They also put on a brilliant show 
like Memmaker stomping away on stage, singing, getting the crowd into it -- 
and to top it all they played some of my favourite songs by them. Needless to 
say I didn’t stop dancing all through their set and for the rest of the night. I also 
experienced some of the after-parties that were hosted in halls that night which 
was a brilliant way to meet loads of people there.

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